

Senior Mens Playing Shirts



Personalised Playing Shirt (SURNAME)

Your own Playing Number Unique to you


$35 - note new players to the club must purchase a Playing Shirt

Senior Womens Playing Singlet



Personalised Playing Singlet (SURNAME)

Your own Playing Number Unique to you


$35 - note new players to the club must purchase a Playing Singlet

Mens Playing Shorts




Mens and Childrens Sizes


Womens Playing Skirts


Girls Sizes 6-14 Available


$40 each

Playing Socks


Adult and Childrens Sizes available

$16.50 each (Adult/ Juniors)

*Please note you need both Black and gold Socks

$10 each (Hook in2 Hockey)

Hook in2 Hockey Program Shirts

Free playing shirt with new 2024 registrations


$35 to purchase a new one



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